Class Photos 1940s

Class photos were taken during the 1940s and through most of the 1950s. After that, the archive only has photos of prefect groups and in the very last years of the school there were some excellent colour photos of sixth form groups (by which time the sixth form of BHCHS was combined with that of Loughton CHS).

If there are any people on these photos that you recognise please email Graham Frankel mentioning which photo and the name/number(s).



Class 5B 1946

1. Alan Roberts 7. Rex Archer 13. Roy Washington 19. John Parrott 25. Don Bettis
2. John Kellman 8. Geoff Munnery 14. Derek Pike 20. Alan Caville 26. Colin Clapp
3. Keith Riches 9. Alan Gatward 15. Dick Cass 21. Peter Cooper 27. Malcolm Beard
4. Donald Fleetwood 10. Alan Russell 16. Arthur Twizell 22. Les Reekie 28. Mr J Shillito
5. John Howick 11. Ivor Foster 17. Ronald (?) H Smith 23. Anthony Diver 29. Gerald Clark
6. John Styman 12. Alan Caville 18. Frank Tomlin 24. Ernest Blackwell 30. Ron Colvin






Thanks to Ron Colvin for being able to recognise most of his classmates!


Class 2A 1946/7

1. Tony Pettit 7. Derek Green 13. Jeff Marcovitch 19. 25.
2. Brian Brett 8. George Milburn 14. Brian Moore 20. 26. Bill Waller
3. 9. 15. 21. 27.
4. 10. 16. 22. Graham Rowe  
5. 11. Alex Kinnison 17. 23.  
6. 12. Dennis Smart 18. John Rendu 24. Courtney Young  



Class 2B 1947

1. 8. 15. 22. 29.
2. 9. 16. 23. 30.
3. 10. 17. Eddie Cook 24. 31.
4. 11. 18. 25.  
5. 12. 19. 26.  
6. 13. 20. 27.  
7. 14. Colin Wiilliams 21. 28.  



Class 3R 1947/48 Thanks to Geoff Harrington for naming everyone here and also correcting the class name/year.

1, Vic Lindsey 8. Tony Webster 15. Dickie Doe 22. Jeff Kempton 29. Don Greenaway
2. Peter Oliver 9. Brian Brown 16. David Hoffman 23. Ray Clarke 30. David Johnson
3. Ron Fulford 10. Allan Charlwood 17. Keith Self 24, John Robinson 31. Bill Banks
4. Geoff Harrington 11. Tony James 18. Bill Matthews 25. Terry Pendegrass  
5. Eddie Gold 12. Ian Dunbar 19. Albert Ivison 26. Peter Levine  
6. Mr P E Sillis 13. Peter Forrest 20. Geoff Brown 27. Cliff Potter  
7. Alan Thomas 14. Pat Allen 21. Colin Keleher 28. Tony Hawkins  




Class 4C 1945

1. Derek Boone 7. Bob Horne 13. Colin Ikeson 19. Eric Forsyth 25. Brian Ring
2. Alan Badman 8. John Higgins 14. Brian Hooks 20. Howard Bennett 26. Ivor Orrey
3. Ken Warren 9. Dennis Last 15. Norman Saunders 21. Tony Kind 27. Geoff Day
4. Norman Jones 10. Rex Sparling 16. Alan Manning 22. Alec Keens  
5. Victor White 11. Geoff Lees 17. Lynford Meadway 23. Dennis Young  
6. Peter Bullman 12. Tom Fogg 18. Donald Knights 24. Norman Sanders  

Thanks to Bob Horne for identifying the names in this and photo and the next one....


Class 5C 1946

1. Geoff Day 7. Tom Fogg 13. Alec Keens 19. Colin Ikeson 25. Derek Boone
2. Eric Forsyth 8. 14. Dennis Last 20. John Higgins 26. Donald Knights
3. Rex Sparling 9. Ken Warren 15. Bob Horne 21. Norman Jones 27. Alan Manning
4. Brian Ring 10. Peter Bullman 16. Alan Badman 22. Dennis Young 28. Lynford Meadway
5. Vic White 11. Ivor Orrey 17. Brian Hooks 23. Howard Bennett  
6. Norman Sanders 12. Geoff Lees 18. Norman Saunders 24. Tony Kind  




Class U6 1945/6

1. Ron Bates 5. F A (Fred) Scott 9. Ken Joysey 13. Norman Macleod 17. Norman Home
2. Tony Price 6. Jim Wilon 10. John Lane 14. John Gilbert 18. John Crawford
3. Walter May 7. Sherwin Hall  11. Eric Mulinder 15. Paul Rattenbury             19. Dennis Bell
4. J H (Jack) Taylor 8. Wiliam Perry 12. John Fricker 16. Alan Willingale  



Class 1A 1947/48

1. Brian Baynes 7. John Dyke 13. Brian Cox 19. Terry Abrahams 25. Bert Burns
2. Frank Bonner 8. Mike Dickinson 14. Colin Brett 20. Bruce Aves 26. Peter Catmur
3. Dennis Carney 9. Mike Crisp 15. Donald Bedford 21. Brian Buxton 27. Robert Auvache
4. John Berner 10. Stewart Burgess 16 John Lansdell 22. Paul Compton  
5. Miss Vera Crook 11. Malcolm Dunkley 17. Peter Cave 23. David Bowak  
6. Ken Sears 12. Alan Dunn 18. Vic Dolden 24. Vic Brotherston  




 Class 1C 1947

1. 4. 7. 10. 13.
2. 5. 8. 11. 14.
3. 6. 9. 12. 15.



 Class 5A 1947  Congratulations to John Harris for identifying the whole of this group - not bad at a distance of 60+ years!

1. John Peters 7. Alan Cole 13. Alan Horne 19. Keith Madgwick 25. Victor Twyman
2. Doug Hills 8. John Littlewood 14. Reg Keeling 20. Ken Shave 26. Gale Salmon
3. David Moss 9. Colin King 15. Harvey Nyman 21. Brian Hayward 27. Frank Monk
4. Dick Gooch 10. Philip Ranner 16. Gordon Chapman 22. Mick Gale 28. Gerald Tedder
5. Chris Gray 11. Dave Rolfe 17. Frank Monk 23. Rob French 29. John Harris
6. Geoffrey Davis 12. Nigel Overy 18. John Sherbird 24. Peter Hickman 30. John Spendley


Class1A 1947/8

1.                                6. 11. Peter Gowan 16.Conrad Edwards 21. Peter Gray 26.
2. Don Lindsey 7. 12. Alan Jeffrey 17. 22. Terry Hooley 27.
3. 8. Michael Harrington 13.        18. Colin Howes 23. Quentin Fuller 28.Geoff Gosford
4. 9. Alan Leggatt 14. 19. Derek Evans 24.  
5. Ken Goodyear 10. 15. Derek Haywood 20. John Gordon 25. Barry Lucas  




 Class 6LM 1947/8

1. Bert Hearn 4. Ken Bales 7. John Ringrose 10. Roland Buggey 13. Roy Penny
2. John Burrow 5. Derek Chapman 8. Alan Boyce 11. Alan Wright 14. Richard Oliver
3. Ted Cocking 6. 9. 12. David Gorick 15.




Class 3A 1948

1. 7. 13. 19. 25.
2. 8. 14. 20. 26.
3. 9. 15. 21.  
4. 10. 16. 22.  
5. 11. 17. 23.  
6. 12. 18. 24.  




Class 6UM 1948/9

1. 4. 7. 10. 13.
2. 5. 8. 11. 14.
3. 6. 9. 12. 15.



Class 6th (Possibly U6M) 1949/50)

1. 5. Mr E Wigley 9. 13. 17.
2. 6. Ernie Blackwell 10. 14. 18.
3. Stan Newens 7. 11. 15. 19.
4. 8. 12. 16. 20.


Class 5R 1948/49

1. Allan Charlwood 7. John Robinson 13. Terry Pendegrass 19. Tony Hawkins 25. Cliff Potter
2. Peter Oliver 8. Geoff Harrington 14. Pat Allen 20. Bill Banks 26. David Johnson
3. Bill Matthews 9. David Hoffman 15. Jeff Kempton 21. Eddie Gold 27. Tony James
4. Dicky Doe 10. Colin Keleher 16. Tony Webster 22. Alan Thomas 28. Ron Fulford
5. Brian Brown 11. Keith Self 17. Peter Forrest 23. Ian Dunbar  
6. Don Greenaway 12. Peter Levine 18. Vic Lindsey 24. Geoff Brown  


All of the content on this site has been researched and provided by past pupils of Buckhurst Hill County High School. We are always interested in adding to this resource and ensuring the accuracy of the information on the site, so if you have further details regarding information on this page please click here.

If you have information that has not been allocated a page or you are unsure where it should go please click here.


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